Debugging Practicum II#
Once again, we’ll be spending time debugging example code. In this case, we’re performing a statistical power analysis by simulating data from idealized experiments. Below, you are given two functions:
: generates synthetic data for the idealized experiment and performs a statistical hypothesis test.calc_power
: calculates the power of the statistical procedure defined by a function passed to it.
Our idealized experiment works as follows: assume
a spiking single unit described as a Poisson process with baseline rate \(\lambda_0\)
observed for a duration \(T_0\)
when presented with a stimulus, the unit increases its firing rate to \(\alpha \lambda_0\)
and is observed for a duration \(T\)
from one trial to the next, log firing rates vary based on a percentage of the mean value:
\[ \log \lambda_i = \log \lambda + \epsilon \log \lambda \]with \(\epsilon\) normally distributed with mean 0, standard deviation \(\sigma\) and \(\lambda\) equal to either the baseline or stimulus rate, as appropriate
Then, given observed spike counts generated from Poisson distributions based on these rates and observation durations, we calculate (empirical) firing rates for the stimulus \(\hat{\lambda}_i\) and baseline \(\hat{\lambda}_{0i}\) for each trial and perform a paired t-test of the hypothesis that they are the same.
Fix the code. Three strategies I recommend:
Pick (multiple sets of) input values with obvious correct answers and use these for testing.
Using sensible values, break apart the functions to see how pieces of them should work. This way, you can plot as you go, and it’s a little easier than using the debugger.
Use the debugger to step into the code and plot the calculated quantities at each stage of the code. Do they make sense?
Code listing:#
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
import seaborn as sns
np.random.seed(12345) # for reproducibility
def run_expt(baseline, effect, Tbaseline, Tstim, trial_noise_std, Ntrials):
# run a single synthetic experiment, return p-value for paired t-test
# of baseline vs stim spike rate
# random rates
baseline_rates = np.exp(np.log(baseline) *
(trial_noise_std * np.random.randn(Ntrials)))
stim_rates = np.exp(np.log(effect * baseline) *
(1 + trial_noise_std * np.random.rand(Ntrials)))
# random counts
baseline_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(baseline_rates)
stim_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(stim_rates)
# observed rates
obs_baseline_rates = baseline_counts / Tbaseline
obs_stim_rates = stim_counts / Tbaseline
# test
return stats.ttest_rel(obs_baseline_rates, obs_stim_rates)
def calc_power(alpha, Nexpt, exptfun, *args):
# calculate power for an experiment defined by false positive rate alpha and repeated Nexpt times
# exptfun returns an object with a pvalue
# args are passed on to exptfun
pvals = np.array([exptfun(*args).pvalue for _ in range(Nexpt)])
return np.mean(pvals < alpha)
, the calculation ofbaseline_rates
should use1 +
in the second factor, as in the line below.The calculation of
should userandn
, notrand
, the calculation ofbaseline_counts
should use Poisson parameters proportional to observation timesTbaseline
, respectively.The calculation of
should useTstim
rather thanTbaseline
Example strategy: break apart functions:#
Here, we can pick some sensible numbers and show how sections of the code should work.
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# define some numbers
baseline = 20. # firing rate in Hz
Tbaseline = 1.
Tstim = 1.
effect = 2 # fractional change from baseline
trial_noise_std = 0.0 # trial-to-trial noise as a percentage
Ntrials = 500 # number of trials for each stimulus
Nexpt = 1000 # number of synthetic experiments to conduct
alpha = 0.05 # nominal false positive rate
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baseline_rates = np.exp(np.log(baseline) *
(1 + trial_noise_std * np.random.randn(Ntrials)))
stim_rates = np.exp(np.log(effect * baseline) *
(1 + trial_noise_std * np.random.randn(Ntrials)))
plt.hist(baseline_rates, label='baseline');
plt.hist(stim_rates, label='stim');
plt.title('Single trial firing rates');
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baseline_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(baseline_rates * Tbaseline)
stim_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(stim_rates * Tstim)
plt.hist(baseline_counts, label='baseline');
plt.hist(stim_counts, label='stim');
plt.title('Single trial spike counts');
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obs_baseline_rates = baseline_counts / Tbaseline
obs_stim_rates = stim_counts / Tstim
tstat, pval = stats.ttest_rel(obs_baseline_rates, obs_stim_rates)
print(tstat, pval)
print(pval < alpha)
-62.191816367004016 3.41747897325314e-237
Corrected functions#
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def run_expt(baseline, effect, Tbaseline, Tstim, trial_noise_std, Ntrials):
# run a single synthetic experiment, return p-value for paired t-test
# of baseline vs stim spike rate
# random rates
baseline_rates = np.exp(np.log(baseline) * (1 + trial_noise_std * np.random.randn(Ntrials)))
stim_rates = np.exp(np.log(effect * baseline) * (1 + trial_noise_std * np.random.randn(Ntrials)))
# random counts
baseline_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(baseline_rates * Tbaseline)
stim_counts = stats.poisson.rvs(stim_rates * Tstim)
# observed rates
obs_baseline_rates = baseline_counts / Tbaseline
obs_stim_rates = stim_counts / Tstim
# test
return stats.ttest_rel(obs_baseline_rates, obs_stim_rates)
def calc_power(alpha, Nexpt, exptfun, *args):
# calculate power for an experiment defined by false positive rate alpha and repeated Nexpt times
# exptfun returns an object with a pvalue
# args are passed on to exptfun
pvals = np.array([exptfun(*args).pvalue for _ in range(Nexpt)])
return np.mean(pvals < alpha)
Test case:#
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alpha = 0.05
Nexpt = 1000
baseline = 20. # firing rate in Hz
Tbaseline = 1.
Tstim = 1.
effect = 1.2 # fractional change from baseline
trial_noise_std = 0.10 # trial-to-trial noise as a percentage
Ntrials = 50 # number of trials for each stimulus
calc_power(alpha, Nexpt, run_expt, baseline, effect, Tbaseline, Tstim, trial_noise_std, Ntrials)